Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Scary Story: The Bright Light

Based on my true story

It was a cold windy night. There was no one in sight. It was almost pitch black outside. We were hanging out with my friend Joseph. We were out skating late and we decided we were done skating and tired. We were just sitting down in front of his house and then decided we wanted to go home. It was just me and my friend Drew outside walking home. We noticed it was 12 o’clock and a full moon was out. We didn’t think anything of it didn’t notice the time or anything. We were just talking with each other when suddenly we seen a bright white light pass by us. We wanted to go see what it was so we went. We were out in the middle of the desert where it was at. That’s when we seen this light just standing there looking at us. We got closer and closer to it. That’s when my friend decided to kick dirt at it. That’s when it got mad and started to chase us. We ran and ran from it as fast as we could. We ran as fast as we could out of the desert and then onto a street where we thought we were safe. We were out of breath and freaked out about what had just happened. We started walking again and kept looking back from time to time to see if it was still following us. That’s when we noticed the light on the streetlight was blue we stopped and kept looking at it. That’s when we seen a shadow just standing there. It was just looking at us as we stared back. The light turned yellow and it suddenly jumped on the wall. That’s when the streetlight turned off. It had started to run at us again. We turned around and had started to run. We ran as fast as we could trying to get away from it. We turned around and it was gone. We couldn’t believe what we had just seen. It was unbelievable that something jumped on the wall and started to chase after us. We reached the end of the street and had to walk through the desert once again to get to our house. We knew we had to and so we started to walk as fast as we could hoping not to run into it again. We were almost out of the desert and were relieved to have not seen anything. We turned around and that’s when we seen this dark shadow about 7 feet tall right behind us. It was standing there gazing at us. The dark shadow started to walk towards us slowly. It started speaking to us in a weird language. We then turned around and ran once again. We were just a couple of streets away from our house. When I was running I turned around to see if it was still there and it was just walking slowly towards us still. We finally got home and didn’t speak of anything that had happened that night.

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