Monday, June 14, 2010

Persuasive Essay: School Uniforms

Uniforms should be in high schools. There are many reasons why I think there should be. It would stop a lot of problems within our schools. It would also allow students to be more professional and help prepare them because most careers require you have a uniform or dress code. This is a great way for students to learn better and help them later on in life where they’re going to need it in the real world. It also helps the safety of the students. Education tends to improve when uniforms are in place.

What kind of problems will it stop? It will stop people from making fun of other people because of what they wear. This causes a lot of problems within schools because some people may not be able to afford some clothes and others make fun of them for it. Other problems are gang related. There are a lot of gangs now today and in order to help stop it uniforms should be in place. With uniforms gangs won’t be able to show that they are in one and this would help with a lot of problems. Most gangs don’t like uniforms for that reason. No one should be separated on their interests and this problem can be helped with uniforms. Just because you wear something different from one another doesn’t mean you can’t talk with one another because you look different. Uniforms cure a lot of problems within the schools. This is why they should be in schools.

Some say that a child in a school uniform is more likely to take school seriously. Putting on the school uniform signals he or she is going to school just like dad dresses up to go to work. Schools report that when students dress in "work clothes" rather than "play clothes" they take a more serious approach to their studies. Some more reasons on why they should be allowed are it helps save time in the morning. It stops feelings of jealousy, it helps reduce discipline problems and teachers can teach and students can learn and it sets the tone for a proper work attitude.

Many educators and sociology experts believe that students who wear school uniforms perform better academically in school. Students are often so focused on their wardrobe that it distracts them from learning. Some experts believe that a mandatory uniform policy will remove this distraction and improve student attention. They believe uniforms set a more serious tone within the school environment that is conducive to learning and can improve student performance. They also believe that school uniforms improve student attendance. Many parents report that their children spend a great deal of time planning and choosing their daily clothing, and that uniforms allow students to use this time to sleep or study.

Safety is a parent’s biggest concern for their child. Every parent wants there kid to be safe at school and not be harassed or anything of that nature. That’s why uniforms can help this problem. They make it easier to spot intruders to the school, for example. In addition, school uniforms prevent gang-related apparel, which can improve safety. They may also reduce the risk of theft, since students will likely not be permitted to wear expensive jewelry or shoes.

Children who have uniforms seem to receive a better education. There are many reasons on why this could be happening. Experts believe that children who wear school uniforms do better academically. This is due to a myriad of reasons, including not wasting time in the morning getting ready, lack of distractions, and a more formal studying environment. All of this results in a better education for children.

Uniforms play an essential role in a student’s life. It can improve a students learning. A student who receives a better education will most likely succeed more than they would have before. It creates a more professional setting for the student allowing them to prepare for their future. Students being safe at school are the best thing possible that can be achieved with uniforms. A student who’s safe will be more comfortable at school and will not hate it because of them worrying about getting hurt or beat up for their money or clothing. This is why I think uniforms should be in schools.

1 comment:

  1. our company makes best quality and customized school uniforms on demand in pakistan.
